Dianetics Clear is just a temporary key-out, a release

Originally composed in 2005 by Caspar de Rijk, Cl IX TECHNICAL EVALUATION OF 24 OCTOBER 2005 -III Independent Scientologists RO NL Public   Original Bridge Series 3 DIANETIC CLEAR vs SCIENTOLOGY CLEAR Hypothesis: There is a difference between Dianetic Clear and Scientology Clear. Tech Data: Here again, comparing/evaluating bulletins against bulletins and basics.(consistency) HCOB 7 […]

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Dianetics must be delivered before the Scientology Grades

Originally composed in 2005 by Caspar de Rijk, Cl IX RO NL Case Supervisor TECHNICAL EVALUATION OF 24 OCTOBER 2005 -I     Independent Scientologists RO NL Public Original Bridge Series 1 NEW THEORY of the NEW GRADE CHART Observation: In 1981 New Era Dianetics was placed after Grade IV on the Classification and Gradation […]

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The difference between NED New Era Dianetics and the original Standard Dianetics

TECHNICAL EVALUATION OF 24 OCTOBER 2005 -II Independent Scientologists RO NL Public Original Bridge Series 2 NEW ERA DIANETICS vs STANDARD DIANETICS by Caspar de Rijk The main technical changes of New Era Dianetics in 1978 were: 1.  Redefinition of erasure i.e. postulate off=erasure 2. Redefinition of somatics 3. Drop of principle of unburdening (going […]

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The last Grade Chart (The Bridge) which was LRH-approved

Here you can see all necessary processes listed per Grade and LRH insists: “ALL PROCESSES OF THE LEVEL AND NO LESS”: After the publication of this chart Expanded Dianetics (XDN) was developed until LRH disappeared in 1972. As XDN was not completed by LRH this tech is nearly lost.  

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Scientific evidence for OT phenomena

“Where are the scientific evidence for psychic, so-called PSI phenomena? Show me the evidence!”The standard demand of skeptics sounds like this or something similar when it comes to the proof of phenomena such as distance healing, remote perception, telepathy (transmission of thoughts), premonitions or the power of the mind over matter (Telekinesis) and at the […]

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3 fake RTC-HCOBs on FPRD & Sec-Checking identified by Class IX Case Supervisor

This valuable tech eval I got from Caspar de Rijk, a class IX 14 years ago. I want to make that public now as a service to auditors, who might still apply this out-tech:

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Streaming LRH Lectures

I happily forward this Good News to you: SCIENTOLiPEDIA.org The ‘Flagship’ for Scientology Outside the Church (#ScientologyOTC) Free Streaming – ALL LRH Lectures Scientolipedia.org is very happy to announce the launch of a Free Streaming service which lets you listen to any and all of L Ron Hubbard’s lectures on your home computer, Android device […]

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Unclear on Co-Auditing Method One Word Clearing

When I first read Andreas’ analysis of outpoints and squirreling on the Bridge, I had a hard time believing it. Full article here: Bridge changes since 1972 In particular was the issue of the Method One Co-Audit, the first step on the training side. I asked myself how could a person who trains to become […]

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Misunderstandings about Rons FSM-Program

In the 1980ies and 1990ies my wife and I have been very active as full time field auditors and FSMs for the German Orgs, especially the Hamburg Org. In this time I had a lot to do to clear up any misunderstandings about Rons FSM-Program. Outside the church I got the idea, that FSMing is […]

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Course Completions of Andreas in the Church of Scientology

This is a chronological listing of the services Andreas has completed (mostly in the Hamburg Org). Since OSA actually spread the lie about him, he had “no real desire for knowledge,” it encourages me to put this data against it. Below also the certificates obtained; It takes some time to load the over 3 MB graphics […]

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“Who killed L. Ron Hubbard?” – the book never been written by Robert Vaughn Young

Robert Vaughn Young (April 23, 1938 – June 15, 2003) also known under the initials RVY, was 20 years on high posts, among other things in the Guardian Office and reported after his exit over the internals. This posting of Robert Vaughn Young ofSeptember 2, 1998, Andreas Gross added notes on footnotes to clarify the case. […]

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Dear Mr. Trump! Investigate CIA assassination in 1972 of American philosopher in Morocco, and CIA theft of his intellectual property

I just found out, that a petition was started a few days ago, with a similar goal of this website: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/investigate-cia-assassination-1972-american-philosopher-morocco-and-cia-theft-his-intellectual-property This is the text of the petition: “There is ample evidence contained FBI documents, declassified CIA documents, and other historical records, that on or about 28 May 1972 agents working under the direction of […]

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