The Disappearance of L. Ron Hubbard, Redux

I can only recommend this article by Ashton Gray, how investigated the whereabouts of L. Ron Hubbard and came to a very similar conclusion. And they by a totally different approach: I concluded based on the given technical publications, that LRH worked until 7. June 1972 as a C/S and researcher for Expanded Dianetics and […]

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Truth about CIA’s illegal MKUltra mind-control experiments – using drugs, hypnosis and electronic devices- revealed in sensational new documents

MKultra – Mindcontrol recently revealed. LRH warned about it since the publication of DMSMH and SOS. Now our message became mainstream:😀  

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Are you subject to reactive group think?

A thinking process always occurs before an action or inaction. The end result of a thinking process is a conclusion. First you decide to do or not do something – then you take the action or inaction you decided on. People who practice mind control understand that if you can control a person’s thoughts, you […]

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Time Track of Scientology – Summary of the Data Section of the Evaluation

Someone had put together all available historical data about Scientology and the Freezone and its enemies and sorted that chronological. As the publication of that Time Track went offline a few years later, I had mirrored the original site here: I once printed that material to paper: a few thousand pages. And read that. […]

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