Correct understanding of Ethics Condition Enemy

All beings are basically good – including ones with a case condition called SP. However, when they fail to differentiate between themselves and their case – they can act badly and cause illogical destruction. When a person goes into agreement with his case, he is being his case, and he does not DIFFERENTIATE between his case and […]

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Are you subject to reactive group think?

A thinking process always occurs before an action or inaction. The end result of a thinking process is a conclusion. First you decide to do or not do something – then you take the action or inaction you decided on. People who practice mind control understand that if you can control a person’s thoughts, you […]

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Alteration of PTS Tech Summary

    Today, a destructive technical alteration is being taught in the Church of Scientology: “All illnesses come from PTSness.” This false statement was made in a similar, less drastic form by Ron at one time in the mid-sixties, however, he corrected himself soon thereafter (1969). Instead of holding on to this correction, at a […]

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Where should I do my bridge? In the CoS or outside of it?

Where should I do my bridge? In the CoS or outside of it?9)This composition of doubt was published again in 2005 because it may help others make a similar one. It is important to compare the right alternatives. It is not about belonging to either the Church or the Freezone. There is nothing wrong about […]

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Destruction of The Lower Ethics Conditions

The lower ethics conditions have been messed up since 1977. This should protect the take over team and their agents in case they have been found out. I document the fakes here:

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