All beings are basically good – including ones with a case condition called SP.
However, when they fail to differentiate between themselves and their case – they can act badly and cause illogical destruction.
When a person goes into agreement with his case, he is being his case, and he does not DIFFERENTIATE between his case and himself – that is what out ethics is. There is no distance between him and his case because by agreeing with it, he has BECOME it and he is BEING his case.
Thus, he believes case thoughts and ideas to be his own ideas – no differentiation there you see, and so he ACTS on those thoughts, because he accepted them as his thoughts, and that is dramatization and that is overts.
The enemy formula is a real case cracking process when done right.
When done properly, it can cause astonishing case change.
The reason for that – the enemy formula “Find Out Who You Really Are” – gets the guy to DIFFERENTIATE between himself and his case. Thus, he gets distance between himself and his case, thus he can see that he is not his case, thus he goes out of agreement with it as it is not him. Then ethics are in.
What is the whole bridge but a long process of Find Out Who You Really Are?
Because in the end – the reward is – to re-discover basic personality – you.
You get you back – the REAL you. And the REAL you is sane and basically good.
There is never any reason to hate any living being. Beings who have their enemy formula out and therefore dramatize and commit overts resulting in illogical destruction – are still basically good but their actions are bad. One can hate a beings actions – but when you hate the being himself that is you NOT DIFFERENTIATING between that being and that being’s case.
Ethics officers in the church do not understand ethics and therefore MISAPPLY it – resulting in destruction. They do not differentiate between the being and his case and so they believe that beings are bad. So they handle people with the philosophy that beings are bad. And, thereby they CAUSE OUT ETHICS by throwing the person’s enemy formula OUT.
Allow me to tell a story to illustrate correct application of ethics. A friend of ours had a daughter who was being a criminal and took drugs and encouraged others to act the same way. Efforts were made to handle her by church ethics officers without success. She hated Scientology and ethics as a result. Her dramatizations and out ethics continued.
Now the only reason to ever have an auditing session or an ethics handling is to help the person receiving it. The session belongs to the pc, he owns it, it is his session and therefore it is done for only one reason – only to help him – not to help anybody else.
Our friend’s daughter came to visit with us. I asked her if she would like some help and told her my only interest in offering was simply to help her – I did not care about anybody else but her. She found that concept acceptable and said yes.
I then hatted her on the tone scale. I told her that the purpose of a session was to cause a rise on the tone scale – to make her a more happy person. She found an increase in happiness for herself was also an acceptable idea and said yes again.
I then hatted her on the Overt Motivator sequence, including getting her to understand what a justifier is. I then said to her – people think you are bad, don’t they? She said yes. I said that includes church ethics officers, they also think you are bad, don’t they?
She said yes. I said that includes you – you also believe you are bad, don’t you? She said yes.
I then said here is the auditing process we are going to run –
Find Out Who You Really Are
We cleared up the word find out – which means discover.
We cleared the word discover as being the act of UNCOVERING.
So, in order to discover, one has to UNCOVER something that is COVERED UP.
Well, what is being COVERED UP here is the real YOU.
Whatever is COVERING you up so you can’t see the real you – is what we need to handle here. When she understood that, we began.
I asked her what bad actions she might have been doing in her lifetime and she started telling me some. I would then get her to spot her JUSTIFIERS for those actions – because just getting someone to tell you an overt does nothing for the case – because they don’t think it was an overt. They have justifiers for the overts you see – so in their mind it really was not an overt because its justified. So, to take an overt OFF the case – you do not audit overts – you audit justifiers.
So, I would ask her “why wasn’t it an overt?”. She gave me the usual justifiers – they are assholes, they deserved it, they did such and such to me, etc. After auditing justifiers for awhile – I said to her – I’m confused about something. She asked what?
I said – I thought you told me you are a bad person. She said I did tell you that. I said – well what is confusing me is I’m wondering why a bad person would justify overts.
Wouldn’t a bad person just do the overts without feeling any need to justify them?
This gave her pause and she looked at me like a ghost had just entered the room – now there was a unique thought, never looked at it that way.
So, I said – let’s continue on now – and had her give me more overts and justifiers for those overts. Then we hit the one I was looking for. She was telling me about cheating on her boyfriend and she felt bad about that one. I could see she was suppressing grief.
So, I asked her – do you feel like crying? She burst into tears.
We took a little time to get the grief charge off.
I then asked her how did it make her feel that she had cheated on her boyfriend. She said shitty. I then said – when you hurt other people, how does it make YOU feel? She said shitty.
I then said – I’m confused about something again. She said what? I said – why would a bad person feel shitty about cheating on their boyfriend? Or feel shitty when they hurt someone else? She finally got it. She said they wouldn’t feel bad.
She then cognited and said –
Oh my god! I’m not a bad person – I’m a good person who just does bad things!
I said I agree – that’s the end of the process – Find Out Who You Really Are.
She then said that she had been unhappy her whole life and she saw that other people were happier than she was and felt that was unfair. Why should they be happy when she was not? So, she intended to pull them down to unhappiness with her by doing what she could to make them unhappy too.
I then told her – I did not want to play that game -and get pulled down to unhappiness with you. I reminded her of the tone scale and the purpose of auditing – to move a person UP the tone scale. I said I have a better idea – why don’t you come UP the tone scale to where I am and we can both be happy and treat each other right and be friends? She said I like that idea.
Then she asked me if she was a Scientologist. I said which way do you want to go on the tone scale, up or down? She said up. I said – well, that’s what its all about, going UP the tone scale, becoming a happier person. She said – well, then I’m a Scientologist because I want to go up the tone scale. I said I agree.
I told her that she was mishandled by church ethics because those ethics officers also have their enemy formula out and handle people in such a way as to knock the other person’s enemy formula out, instead of getting it in.I said when you leave ethics with the idea you are a bad person – your enemy formula is out and of course you are going to continue committing overts because what else does a bad person do – except commit overts?
I then hatted her a little more on the Overt Motivator Sequence – with her new understanding that she was basically good. Now it made a lot of sense to her.
I taught her that the Overt Motivator sequence is NOT a natural law. Just because someone commits an overt on you, does not mean you have to commit one back on them. In fact, because you are basically good, you are a fool if you do, because now you are going to put yourself in hell.
Ron says the Overt Motivator sequence is THE mental mechanism that makes life on earth hell.
Lets examine why that would be. A being who is basically good but who is committing overts will cave himself in in various ways in the effort to stop himself from committing overts because he really does not like harming others.
Thus when he harms another dynamic he feels bad about having done so. Thus he feels a need to justify the overt to reduce the guilt he feels. So, he levels unwarrented criticism at the dynamic he harmed and thus he also mocks up Motivators. Those motivators really hurt too, because he is using it to JUSTIFY his overt against the other dynamic.
But, ALL justifiers are lies, because what the being is saying is this:
It wasn’t really an overt because….
That is a lie, no matter what he fills in the blank with, because the truth is – it WAS an overt. And deep down inside himself, even despite his efforts to hide this fact from himself – he secretly knows it was an overt.
And secretly knowing it was an overt – he will now punish himself for having committed it. There are various ways he will punish himself – one way being to mock up a painful motivator that he clutches to his bosom and won’t let go of for dear life.
Because he is basically good, he continually seeks to get his ethics in and restrain himself from committing any more overts against that dynamic. Thus you have a decline of his abilities – the result is inabilities and illnesses. These are self-imposed as an effort to prevent himself from committing overts.
If the being finds he still cannot restrain himself from committing overts – his final solution is to leave. The reason he is leaving the area is because he is BASICALLY GOOD.
He has concluded that he cannot restrain himself from harming that dynamic so IN ORDER TO PROTECT THAT DYNAMIC FROM ANY MORE HARM BY HIM – he leaves.
That’s his way of putting his ethics in when he concludes that he cannot stop himself from harming that dynamic – he leaves.
All of the above phenomena is PROOF that he is BASICALLY GOOD:
1. Justification
2. Harming himself with self-imposed inabilities and illnesses
3. Leaving an area to protect it from any further harm from him
What I taught this girl was that because she was basically good – that if she committed overts – she would punish herself in the above various ways for having done so. The Overt Motivator sequence is the primary way one descends down the tone scale into unhappiness.
Therefore, undoing and rising above this mental mechanism is the way one goes back up the tone scale and remains up.
What I got her to see was that if she comitted an overt – she would then destroy her own happiness, and regardless of how it affects anyone else – she should not commit overts out of her own self interests – to protect herself from destroying herself and sending herself down tone.
In light of the fact that the overt motivator sequence is NOT a natural law – one can rise above this mental mechanism by recognizing this fact – just because someone commits an overt on you – does not mean you have to commit one back on them. In fact, you are a fool if you do – because now you will destroy your own happiness and enter your own self-made hell.
This is where this datum has use –
What is greatness = the ability to love one’s fellow man despite all reasons not to.
Ron also said that probably the biggest secret to this universe is love.
Here is how to take an overt off a case and restore love:
The definition of responsibility is two ABILITIES.
- Ability to admit causation (justification prohibits recognition of having been cause)
- Ability to withhold (oneself from committing overts)
So, by getting a person to tell you an overt – you have accomplished nothing for the case because he does not think it was an overt because he has justified it. So, you do not audit overts, you audit justifiers. Why wasn’t it an overt is the auditing question. You audit justifiers for an overt until you get the following End Phenomena:
The End Phenomena has two statements of recognition.
The person says –
That was a helluva thing to do to Joe – even if it could have been explained.
Yea – I actually did commit an overt there – regardless of any reasons – I hurt Joe.
He also recognizes and says –
There was a point in time there just before I did that to Joe – where I was deciding whether to commit the overt or not – and I decided to do it. Yea – I didn’t HAVE to do it – I just decided to.
When you get the above two recognitions – you have taken one overt off the case.
Notice that the above End Phenomena is RESPONSIBILITY.
- Ability to admit causation
- Ability to withhold
The person has not only recognized that he did in fact harm another, but he OPERATED AT CAUSE in doing so. He did not HAVE to do it – he ELECTED to do it. He can now see that the Overt Motivator sequence is NOT a natural law –
It is only a mental mechanism which he foolishly chooses to employ and the reason he is foolish is because in employing the mental mechanism, he is COVERING UP the fact that he is BASICALLY GOOD and will now punish himself in various ways for having done harm to another dynamic. Thus his ENEMY FORMULA GOES OUT.
In order to commit an overt he has to NOT-IS his and the other being’s basic goodness. Thus he has COVERED UP – Who he really is.
Thus the enemy formula – Find Out Who You Really Are – for people who do harm.
It is especially applicable to those who do constant harm because they have lost ALL of their ability to withhold – meaning restrain themselves from commiting overts.
When his enemy formula goes out, he believes himself and others are bad. He can get into a state wherein he is believing so much that he is bad, that he loses ALL of his ability to WITHHOLD himself from harming others and then you have an SP – a person who harms others all day long every day. He cannot restrain himself at all and has given up even trying to. He has gone into apathy about restraining himself from doing harm.
In this state he has gone completely into agreement with his case, he has become his case, to such a degree that he can no longer see his basic self any more – the being is gone – completely COVERED UP. There is no distance between himself and his case because he is BEING his case.
And so he cannot DIFFERENTIATE between himself and his case and thus get some distance between it and himself and so he confuses all case thoughts as being his thoughts and so he accepts those thoughts as his own thoughts and acts on them. Thus he dramatizes his case and commits overts and harms others regularly. And so his Enemy formula is out and thus his ethics are out.
Getting back to our story with our friends daughter – I hatted her on all of the above.
I spent about 10 hours with her doing all the above and then she went home.
About a month later I got a call from her mother. Her mother asked me – what did you do with my daughter? Nobody here recognizes her anymore, I don’t recognize her anymore, she is a totally different person than she has ever been. She has discontinued all criminal relationships she used to have, she no longer takes drugs, she has found all new decent friends, she likes Scientology and goes to the org to do ethics and takes services. What happened?
A final word on the Overt Motivator sequence is that in order to commit an overt, one has to practice Alter-Isness and Not-Isness. He tells himself a lie that the other fellow is bad, thus making it ok to commit the overt. He also will Not-Is his own basic goodness and the other fellow’s basic goodness just before his decision to harm the other fellow. Thus his enemy formula goes out because now he has COVERED UP who he really is and who the other fellow really is.
The famous quote – “We have met the enemy and he is us” has application here.
The mental mechanism called Overt Motivator sequence, also has a lot to do with freedom and entrapment. Since a being is basically good, he will reduce his abilities if he finds himself acting badly. The Enslavers know and use this against a being, to get him to entrap and enslave himself. They know if they can get him to act badly that he will entrap himself. Thus rising above Overt Motivator sequence is required to attain and maintain freedom. A primary trap, if not the only trap, is getting a being to entrap himself, to
hold himself down – and getting him to commit overts would be a prime method of getting him to do this to himself.
The real way you get Ethics in is auditing. Ethics does not get rid of case, auditing does.
All Ethics does is it gets the person to restrain himself from dramatizing his case and thereby committing overts – until he can get auditing on that case and get rid of it.
Let’s say a man has an impulse to kill babies. He uses Ethics to restrain himself from killing babies until he can get auditing to get rid of the impulse to kill babies.
Once auditing gets rid of the impulse to kill babies – he no longer has to restrain himself from it because that impulse is now gone – and so now his Ethics are really in. It now takes no effort on his part to be Ethical about babies, it comes naturally because he now has no impulse to harm them.
The Data Series policy letters are Ethics Technology. The Data Series teaches you how to REASON. In other words, how to think correctly and arrive at correct conclusions.
ETHICS ARE REASON. The Data Series teaches one how to REASON.
By learning to REASON – one is pulled up the tone scale – out of the reactive mind level of thinking (unreason) – up into the Analytical Mind level of thinking – REASON.
To gain a huge lift in tone level and Ethics – learn the Data Series and learn how to think.
See the Essay on Data Analysis and Evaluation for more data on this idea.
“Man can be handled by reason, alone” – Science of Survival
- Allow me to say that people do not understand Scientology.
- Thus they MISAPPLY it.
- When they MISAPPLY it – they get losses and can even cause destruction.
- Then, they mislabel their Misapplication as “Scientology” – when it really wasn’t –
- then the tech gets an undeserved bad rap.
Putting people on an ethics post who are not Class II auditors who really understand all the above – is pure folly. Those people, who have their own Enemy formula out, then proceed to knock other people’s Enemy formulas out by mishandling them in ethics. The result is a disaster.
In our Evaluation we did on the church – the WHY we found is –
- The indicator of MISAPPLICATION is – the individual goes down tone.
- The indicator of correct application is – the individual goes up tone.
“The auditor is not trying to cure anything. He is simply raising tone.” – SOS
So, if you are practicing “Scientology” and what you are doing is driving the recipient down tone – that is NOT Scientology. It is the opposite of it.
The WHOLE IDEA of Scientology is to bring individuals and thus other dynamics – UP THE TONE SCALE.
We found the above valuable article under the original title “Essay on Ethics” among many other valuable contributions at (unfortunately this website is no longer available, the domain was registered by RTC and used elsewhere).
We are looking forward to your comments and contributions!
Bravo! Very good article. Thank you for posting, Andreas.