When mentioning the result of the research by Michel Snoeck published here http://www.wiseoldgoat.com/papers-scientology/hubbard_vs_nwo1_lrh-whereabouts.html#year72 that LRH was replaced by a Doppelgänger in 1973, lots of readers find it unbelievable, that no old friend of LRH recognized the Doublegänger as a fake. So do I. Because Doppelgänger are not totally identically, they just look very similar, but at least when you speak to such you will find out.
But I today read an article from an old timer calling himself “a face in the crowd”, who was there and who is still cheated (and still thinks by LRH, ha). But what he told makes sense and explains the whole trick. I quote from his article posted here: http://www.forum.exscn.net/showthread.php?21356-Who-invented-devised-the-RPF/page28&p=516265#post516265
In footnotes I give my comments, you can also read them hovering with the mouse over the footnote number:
I knew lots of folks that were in the Flag RPF during my time…lots of good, decent folks.
IMO the RPF was like all of El Ron’s((LRHs)) “Networks”, “Bright Ideas” and “Add-On” Units.
In the early ‘70’s the RPF was a different scene than what it morphed into by the Mid to Latter ‘70’s and forward.
Like all of El Ron’s superfluous” organizational Inventions the RPF grew in complexity, hierarchy, uselessness and destructiveness as time went forward and Hisself could “tinker” with it.
The “flowering” of the RPF came about in the mid-late ‘70’s with the implementation of the “List One” project. Every Flag Crew members PC folders were culled and they were give tailored Sec Checks to see if a List One Rock Slam could be turned on them. If so, they were immediately RPFed…no comm. ev, no recourse. (Remark by Andreas: you just need the LRH-Doppelgänger to support this and one other enemy agent posing as the sec-checking auditor, who falsifies the worksheets and notes down “Rockslams” for every Scientologist, who could identify the Doppelgänger).
For months and months the project went on and nearly every day one or more crew were RPFed. Many of these folks were some of the best and brightest of the crew…it was disgusting. I saw folks like David Ziff go overnight from being the highly successful, Princeton educated Advance Mag Editor to a “non-person” in a boiler suit, not allowed to communicate with anyone outside the RPF and moved to RPF berthing away from his wife and child.
As the RPF ranks swelled, El Ron oversaw the issuance of reams of rules, procedure and policy re: the RPF and Hisself seemed completely oblivious to the fact that the RPF was rapidly becoming the largest “Org” on the base with a large chunk of the most experienced and talented crew.
Then the KNOTS “Tech” and Dianetic Clear Tech” issues came out((this was 1978, when no one had access to LRH directly, so it was unnessesary to keep the old timer in the RPF)) and suddenly, “Poof” nearly every one of the folks in the RPF that were Clear or above were released due to the “Tech Breakthrough” that R/Ses meant something different on a Clear and above. The Orgs and Units at Flag went into a feeding frenzy for the “rights” to the same folks that were, just yesterday, “Untouchables”!
In a TV-show some old timer told about that time, very revealing if you know the context of the Doppelgänger. I take these quotes from the transcript of this show published here: http://www.lermanet.com/lies/tv4uk.html:
JIM DINCALCI((this medical nurse, who claims to have been with "LRH" in the 9 missing months in NY)) "He saw everyone suspiciously and assumed everyone was intentionally attacking him((Revealing about Jim: he mocks up LRH as PTS III case)). Governments were attacking him((Jim as everyone of that time knows that this is true, but hopes his listeners find that ridiculous)), and then everyone around, who made a mistake, were attacking him, and the only thing he could do would be to attack back." VOICEOVER "In 1973 a French court started proceedings against Hubbard for fraud. He had left his ship, which was berthed in Morocco and went to live in hiding in New York((that was actually on 3rd Dec. 1972)), where he was looked after by Jim Dincalci. To turn the tables on his enemies he devised a bizarre plan called 'Snow White'. Its stated aim was to correct false reports about Scientology [shot of 'SNOW WHITE I/C' document] It led to Scientology members ((no Scientologists: agents provocateurs))infiltrating government departments. Hubbard even issued a reading list for learning the black arts of espionage((not to apply them, but to be aware of them)). ROBERT VAUGHN YOUNG "He believed((nice wording: believed, after all these visible attacks!)) that there was an international cabal that was in control of the attack on him around the world as well as all the attacks in various countries. And so 'Snow White' was written to find this cabal, find all the connections between these enemy groups, and to expose them, to destroy them. It was done through burglary. It was just pure military intelligence." VOICEOVER "Having instigated 'Snow White' Hubbard rejoined his ship in the Canary Islands((that was in Sept. 1973: the Doppelgänger went to the Apollo to take over full control over Scientology)). There he had a serious motorbike accident. His mood dramatically worsened" HANA ELTRINGHAM "This was his period which I called the pouting, the crying, the mad period where he would cry and throw things against the wall, the bulkheads and pout and scream((Attention: that was not the LRH we know from his works and his lectures, it was the low-tone Doppelgänger!)). Right towards the tail end of that he created the RPF, the 'Rehabilitation Project Force'" VOICEOVER "The RPF was yet another correctional regime. Its orders were fearsome [shot of RPF orders]
So the RPF was created to remove everyone of the good guys, who could recognize that the Doppelgänger is not LRH. Outside of the RPF were only new people who did not know LRH or could be cheated or agents of the enemy.
The motorcycle accident helped to keep off people from “LRH” as “he was in pain and screaming”. Who would dare to disturb “LRH” if he was so in pain and crying? Not even family member: “LRH” once shouted “Get out of here!” to his wife, when she was at his door.