The false data of “Natural Clears” comes from David Mayo, and not from LRH, because Ron writes:
We know all the attributes of Clear and Operating Thetans.
In the history of this universe there has never been a true Clear or true OT.
Every Clear ever encountered in this universe was a Keyed-Out Clear – a Release. He still had all his bank, GPMs and engrams. They were simply keyed-out and not influencing him.
We have known that for some time. But here is a new one.
Every Operating Thetan in the history of this universe was only a KEYED- OUT OT!
This is startling. It accounts for the wild conduct of some OTs. They still had a complete bank (all their GPMs and engrams, secondaries, the lot). This bank could be restimulated causing them to indulge in bad conduct. When it was restimulated too much, they suddenly ceased to be OT and became powerless and human or animal.
Thus, there has not only never been a real Clear in this universe, also there has never been a real Operating Thetan! Every one contacted on the track or history had an R6 bank, momentarily keyed out.
This is then the roller-coaster effect one encounters in one’s own history – OT-aberree-Clear-aberree-OT-aberree, etc., depending on accidental key-outs and key-ins of the bank.
We are for the first time in the history of the universe making real Clears and real OTs, no bank. [HCO B 18 JUNE 1965 CLEAR AND OT BEHAVIOUR]
Ron always kept this way of thinking, there was nothing to revise or relativise.
In the material for the clearing course he once again states the previously mentioned R6 bank that is audited out on the CC:
It is now a proved fact that none of the Basic Bank will erase on a preclear until all the lower grades are properly established on a preclear and then the Basic Bank confronted in it’s exactness, item by item in sequence and in it’s exact relationship to the rest of the Bank.
Know then that (1) there is no haphazard blowing of Bank
(2) no item blows out of context
(3) there are no prior holes blown in the Bank for anyone, no matter what the nature of any prior auditing might have been, until the item has actually been run. [LRH in Clearing Course Instruction Booklet – September 1965]
Then, in 1979 – in the absence of LRH and under the overall control of David Mayo’s RTRC precursor team – the exact opposite is claimed in a very rude, threatening kind of way:
Any org or mission staff declaring a Dianetic Clear “achieved in other practices” is subject to expulsion from the Church. – Technically, a very few thetans have never been anything but Clear. These few didn’t “go Clear” on anything; they have simply always been Clear. When a natural Clear is found it should be so stated. To assign this condition to some other practice is a suppression of Dianetics and Scientology. … Falsely declaring a person a Dianetic Clear who isn’t, and failing to declare one who made it on Dianetics or the Clearing Course or who has always been Clear, are also actionable. [HCOB 5. 3. 79R revised 6 March 1979 Dianetic Clear False Declares]
Two months later, this basic idea is written down in the DCSI((DCSI = DIANETICS-CLEAR-SPECIAL-INTENSIVE, the precursors of today’s CCRD. Both not from Ron. )) and is mass published:
It has been found that a pc who has gone Dianetic Clear, and who then receives a messed up D/L of the point, may become uncertain as to when he actually did achieve this state. At this point the pc may feel that he didn’t go Dianetic Clear after all. He may also be a Natural Clear, in which case there would not be any point to Date/Locate. [HCOB 2. MAY 1979 I DIANETICS-CLEAR-SPECIAL-INTENSIVE]
By doing so, the invalidation of the clear condition was welcomed. Within the shortest time, the clear numbers sky rocketed to 50,000 without anyone actually having to go through the clearing course.
This is also a method to withhold the possible gains of Dianetics and Scientology from the thetans, by claiming they have already reached the results when this is not the case. As proof, I would like to quote the black panther method from the Dianetics book, with the R6 bank being the black panther:
There are five ways in which a human being reacts toward a source of danger. These are also the five courses he can take on any given problem. And it might be said that this is five-valued action.
The parable of the black panther* is appropriate here. Let us suppose that a particularly black-tempered black panther is sitting on the stairs and that a man named Gus is sitting in the living room. Gus wants to go to bed. But there is the black panther. The problem is to get upstairs. There are five things that Gus can do about this panther:
(1) he can go attack the black panther((This would be the uptone version.));
(2) he can run out of the house and flee the black panther((Here we have the tone level of fear.));
(3) he can use the back stairs and avoid the black panther((This is the 1.1er: He still follows his goal but with hidden means.));
(4) he can neglect the black panther((Probably a kind of tone scaling: “Oh what a nice kitty!” This not-is-ness of danger, however, only makes the condition worse. If Otto keeps walking up the stairs day by day ignoring the panther, he will sooner or later simply get eaten by it.)); and
(5) he can succumb to the black panther((Tone scale of apathy. You give up and let yourself get eaten.)).
These are the five mechanisms: attack, flee, avoid, neglect or succumb.All actions can be seen to fall within these courses. And all actions are visible in life. [Hubbard, LaFayette Ron, DIANETICS – The Modern Science of Mental Health – 1950]
Let’s see how the 5 mechanisms regarding R6 bank can be found in real life:
1. The only right, high-tone act would be the attack of the black panther: You audit out the R6 bank on the clearing course.
2. But you can also be a scared-cat and leave the house and run away: You bolt from Scientology and renounce the movement.
3. The 1.1 version would be the back door: you take a nice release point on Dianetics (or elsewhere) and attest having gone clear by that. You actually seem to have also reached the product at first glance (this is also how you came into the bedroom), however, there is still the black panther who (when the release condition gets lost) can attack you again.
4. Those who take and twist some LRH data about considerations and postulates to their likings ignore the R6 bank: “Everyone created their condition, and therefore their bank, on their own, and you only had to give up this postulate and you were clear”. – The considerable amount (of pain and unconsciousness) that is contained in engrams and especially in the massive GPMs of the R6 bank is ignored. Not just a few “solve these somatics and unwanted emotions” with alcohol, aspirin, etc. – Part of this category is the “Natural Clear”, which “had never had a bank”, but unfortunately ends up in this trap (prison planet Earth) as well and does not do anything about it.((If there should really be a natural clear, then it would most likely mitigate the conditions of the people with a life’s work of similar size as that of LRH. But even LRH claims to not have been a natural clear when he says that no one in this universe could have skidded past the R6 bank (see above). So he was also “just” a keyed out clear and OT.))
5. Being apathetically defeated by the R6 bank here means: total dramatization, psychosis, working incapably, living life incapably.
At the time, a keyed-out Release, be it keyed out Clear or OT, may be happy about his high standing condition being recognized for once. He had always known he was different than the average citizen. Finally it is confirmed. – But sooner or later, this turns out to be a disservice: The real, final clear condition had been withheld while he would have had time and opportunity to reach it:
Do not give away this chance, it may never come back like that again!
Andreas Gross
for the
Independent Scientologists
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