Hostile-Takeover of Scientology since 1972

Expanded Dianetics-Series helps to find the Date when LRH disappeared in 1972

This study is based on the former research, that lead to the conclusion, that LRH disappeared in 1972. Formerly we believed the information, that LRH left the Apollo on 3. Dec 1972 and flew to New York, where he spend his “10 missing months”, as no one knew where he was and whether he might come back. But newest research show, that this data made up by the “History Maker” should be put in question. Better we do not rely on witnesses, but on hard facts and proofs. So I took a look into the Expanded Dianetics Course Pack (xDN) and found lots of outpoints. Outpoint which beg us to follow and find more.

Uncompleted Research on xDN

LRH was the C/S for expanded Dianetic Sessions in April/May 72 and announced to create and publish a Class IVa course for the Dianetic Specialist, which he never did.

It was not until 1977 that all of his C/Se als Foldersummaries were published as BTBs and revised (no indication of what and why they were revised), a systematization and completion of the exDn course was missing. This is very untypical for LRH, it seems he was interrupted in 1972 in this concern.

The data in this article is based on the file 770509 XDN Checksheet.doc

Lectures only in March and April 1972

He gave these lectures on xDN in March and April:

  • 7203c30-SO-01 – Expanded Dianetics.mp3

  • 7204c07-SO-02 – Expanded Dianetics & Word Clearing.mp3

  • 7204c07A-SO-03 – Auditor Administration.mp3

  • 7204c07B-SO-04 – Illness Breakthrough.mp3

LRH wrote his last HCOB about xDn on 3. June 1972

He wrote the first HCOBs about xDn in 1972.

Taken from the xDn-CHECKSHEET please see these 1972 issues in chronological order on the next page

In the first column you find the numbering per the checksheet.

Suddently after 3rd July 1972 you find almost only BTBs, they are – as is known – pure staff work, not by LRH.

It seems there are two exceptions:


Signature: LRH:nt.ntm jh


Signature: LRH:sb.ntm.rd

Whereas nt (real name unknown to me, same as ntm jh) is also the author of BTB 10.4.72R Prepchecks, also author of the Basic Auditing Series. So he was not the typist, but a tech terminal. His signature can be found nearly 70 times in the xDN-Course-Pack, mainly after LRH: as in this case.

This is obviously staff work as it elaborates this LRH-C/S:

LRH Final Note: Hidden behind all the effort to get the case moving was a completely untouched Drug Rundown. Since then the “No Interest” way of by-passing a case has been discovered, in part because of this case.

This pc was well when completed but not sane and he later blew. The “no interest” he kept putting out on items defeated a full recovery. A great many evil purposes were left unrun, the listing questions (listing a significance from a significance) and failure to R3R drugs, bypassed the basic case. He got well, he didn’t become sane. To repair and attain full recovery all “no interest” items would have to be run now.


quote from BTB 30 AUGUST 1972 Issue II Issued 28 March 1974 CANCELs HCO BULLETIN OF 30 AUGUST 1972 Issue III Expanded Dianetics Series 9 EXPANDED DIANETIC CASE B

This case was audited on Apollo in the time between 1. April to 18. April 1972, LRH C/S from the 18. April 1972.

Similar was the C/S note by the Flag Exp Dn Team (MM:WS) in the BTB 18 SEPTEMBER 1972 Issued 28 March 1974 CANCELS HCO BULLETIN OF 18 SEPTEMBER 1972 Expanded Dianetics Series 10 EXPANDED DIANETIC CASE C:

This pc remained stably off MO lines. The drop of three of the points on the righthand side of the graph was due to “no interest” in running R3R on all of his Ev Purps. See HCO Bs Exp Dn Series 7 and 9.

This ill OT III PC with PTS RD was audited between 10. April to 4. June 72 with LRH note on that last day.

LRH worked as C/S up to 7. June 1972

In the BTBs you can find, when LRH was C/Sing the exDn-Sessions, he stopped with C/Sing on 7. June 1972:

  • BTB ExDn-Series 8R: last entry with LRH as C/S on June 6,72. The BTB tells us: “At this point the C/Sing of the case was turned over to the newly appointed EX DN C/S”.

  • BTB ExDn-Series 9R: 19. April 72 last entry of LRH

  • BTB ExDn-Series 10R: last C/S-entry of LRH on 7. June 72, PC attested on 13. June 72, LRH-Commlag, then still completion on 8. Aug 72. Unusually only 6 words “from LRH” to the Next C/S after the PC had a breakdown.

  • BTB ExDn-Series 11R: last C/S entry of LRH on 7. June 72, C/Sing of the case was turned over to the newly appointed EX DN C/S, case completion on 21st August 72

  • BTB ExDn-Series 12R: Case completion 20.5.72

  • BTB ExDn-Series 13R: last C/S entry of LRH on June 4, 72, – further auditing is no longer documented correctly, but continues for months.

  • BTB ExDn-Series 14R: last C/S entry of LRH on 17th May 72, the following day certificate and departure with success.

  • BTB ExDn-Series 15R: last C/S-entry of LRH on June 6th 72 – after that R/F from D of P, the PC should first do the Primary RD before further exDn, then the PC leaves and does not come back.

  • BTB ExDn-Series 16R: last C/S entry by LRH on 6 May 72 – the following day she attests and leaves, which BTB author criticizes as quicky.

  • BTB ExDn-Series 17R: last C/S entry of LRH on May 29th 72 – PC send to Ethics, did not come back, even left soon and did not return. The BTB writer criticizes that handling as quicky.

  • BTB ExDn-Series 18R: last C/S entry by LRH on 6th June 72. “At this point the C/Sing of the case was turned over to the newly appointed EX DN C/S “, after that a few dozen only briefly documented sessions until March 1976, no mention of LRH contributions.

  • BTB ExDn-Series 19R: last C/S entry of LRH on 21 May 72, after completion of the programm.

Surprisingly, the main substance that one learns about exDn in BTBs comes from 1977 and is extensively citing LRH, i.e. quite obvious staff-work. Why doesn’t LRH complete this major project itself: after all: ExDn is an important bridge step with the “final touches” before moving on to Power & the solo steps?!

It is obvious, that LRH never completed his task on exDn, as the summary reference on this level was written by Richard Sheehy FMO 1709 I/C and W/O John Eastment CS-4/5 approved by BDCS (BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY, an anonymous forerunner of RTC) with the BTB 9 May 1977 ISSUE I Expanded Dianetics Series 21RA EXPANDED DIANETICS ACTIONS.

This show his C/S activities started in April 1972 and are ending abruptly on 7th June 1972, he was replaced by another C/S.

Date of LRH leave confirmed by the book Watergate Hoax

That timing supports the analysis done in the book Watergate Hoax1, which says that LRH was abducted by CIA around 28th May 1972 ± a few days and that the published history about his later activities are a hoax to hide this fact:

Also I can not believe, that LRH was so stupid to deliver E-Meter-Training for the purpose of sec checking to the Moroccan authorities and tried to hide the name Scientology in this task. If you deliver Sec Checking tech to such a country, you run into corruption, CIA-activities and other criminal behavior and will miss heavy withholds and overts, so that these people will really kill you before their crimes being revealed. This is known by every green Scientologist, and we should believe, that LRH did not consider this inevitable final result?

So the book is right: this is just a story we should believe, to hide the fact, that LRH and MSH vanished since June 1972.

Andreas Gross

for the

Free Scientologists

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