Hostile-Takeover of Scientology since 1972

After 1972, Scientology was taken over and falsified

L. Ron Hubbard’s life’s work was the development of Dianetics and Scientology, gifts to humanity from Earth to free itself from oppression and self-destruction.
For this, he was hated and persecuted for decades by the instruments of power of the self-proclaimed “elite” and the ruling families. After the machinations of the CIA and FBI, he left the United States in the late 1950s and spread his freedom movement throughout the English-speaking world: Australia, Ireland, England, Scotland and South Africa. In the 1960s, lies and legal attacks were used to try to force Scientology and him personally out of these countries or to infiltrate the movement and steer it astray (quickie grades). So he set up the Sea Org to restore ethics, tech and admin in orgs worldwide from a mobile command center.
While developing Expanded Dianetics on the Apollo, he suddenly and without explanation disappeared on June 7, 1972 and never reappeared.
In the following months, his mysterious disappearance was covered up by starting to publish writings in his name to keep Scientology followers in line, in the hope that he would somehow reappear. The US government took advantage of this confusion to foist a doppelganger on Scientologists, who cut himself off from the public and only showed himself briefly and from a distance here and there. But this double was not good enough to fool old friends or family, so they were eliminated with the help of missions or RPF. He was also not similar enough to show himself to the public, neither in photos nor on video. There are also no lectures that “LRH” has given in public since June 1972. Only a few and obvious fakes.
In 1976, Hubbard’s designated successor, his son Quentin, was murdered, and in 1977 his wife Mary-Sue Hubbard (as Guardian of Scientology) and 10 other executives of the Guardian Office were arrested by the FBI, charged and mostly convicted, and the umbrella and management organization HASI was dissolved by court order.
Supposedly, Hubbard was hiding to avoid a similar arrest warrant. The doppelganger can go into hiding and is later only seen by a handful of people who never met the real Hubbard.
In January 1978, a law firm registered with the church as a “representative of L. Ron Hubbard, the author” and took control of Scientology. Ron had gone into hiding due to an ongoing criminal complaint, and he was being represented in his absence. The young David Miscavige, completely inexperienced in tech and admin, was installed by the backers in the key position between the “hidden Hubbard” and his church as a puppet and asserted himself as Hubbard’s mouthpiece.
A RTRC is set up via telex instructions, a team of technically highly trained auditors under the direction of David Mayo, who is presented as Snr C/S Int. This team begins extensive writing in LRH’s name in 1978 and begins to rewrite Scientology tech and policy: Dianetics and the Clearing Course and eventually the OT levels are largely overridden.
In the 80s, the Bridge, the entry routes into Scientology, were destroyed.
I’m not saying that today’s Scientology students can’t have immense gains: insights, raising their emotional tone, relief from compulsions, fears or worries, tools for their job or a saved marriage or company. Even today, LRH’s writings offer every reader a wealth of insights and possibilities that reward the effort a thousandfold. But these gains are only a tiny fraction of the full potential of the original Bridge: Even the earlier HAS co-auditing gave new people the wins for free within a few evenings, which today can only be bought for thousands of dollars in HGC at best, if you can even find auditors to do it.
The Clearing Course Clear is so stable and high-toned that only people with temporary releases can guess its value. The delivery of the real OT levels IV to VII was completely stopped because a being who is completely exterior when fully aware and exercises control over matter, energy, time, form and life as a spirit is seen as a total threat and public enemy by the “elite” and their state organs, and yet is indestructible.
In 1982, the power structures of Scientology were completely reorganized. Above Int Management – until then the highest command level, as established by LRH – 4 further higher levels were placed: WDC, CMO Int, RTC and finally the CST, the US government agency that dominates the RTC and Scientology. To reduce the life blood of Scientology to a minimum – now that the Tech and Admin and Ethics had been rewritten – the movement was split in a missionholder meeting in 1982: Through thousands of SP-Declares against the best and most contributing Scientologists, Mission Holders, FSMs and executives, the Freezone was created, which of course, according to the old divide-and-conquer principle, is not really released into the independence of the takeover team:
As long as Freezone adheres to the modified Bridge, Scientology remains as toothless here as it is in the Church: it can no longer truly lead people to freedom. The split in the Scientology movement is a group engram that cannot be erased unless the earlier beginning of the takeover in 1972 is addressed.
So since 1982, there have been two already disempowered Scientology movements, which not only fight each other like the biggest enemies, but also want to outdo each other in how to change and confuse Tech and Admin and Ethics even more. In the Church, the path is getting longer and longer: a dozen extensive courses “in the style of the Golden Age of Tech,” which must be completed before the Academy, including the demotion and decertification of auditors, lead to a situation in which, due to a lack of auditors, hardly any auditing can be done. The FreeZone is the other side of the same coin: auditing is carelessly and cheaply thrown onto the market as junk goods without qualified training, OT and Solo levels are cheap and usually without sufficient training and heavily distorted, so that the Bridge is withheld from the public in this way.
Of course, the degradations of Dianetics and the removal of the Clearing Course and the OT levels from the 1970s are not corrected in the Free Zone either. This is ensured by the government agents, who establish themselves centrally as opinion leaders in the scene and quickly gag every competitor in unison.
In 1986, the death of L. Ron Hubbard was staged without the family or other relatives being allowed to see the body. The events surrounding the death certificate make it clear that it can’t have been Hubbard’s body.
Contrary to the propaganda, which is reminiscent of the success reports of the press organs of the Eastern Bloc, Scientology has been on the decline since the takeover. Hardly any new auditors are being trained, the old ones are increasingly dying out or are discouraged beforehand and pushed aside. The dissemination takes place only superficially, if at all: Instead of HAS Co-Auditing Teams, yellow-clad volunteer ministers of the Church of Scientology are running around the world helping in disaster areas or teaching young Africans to read and write. Today, everyone in the world “knows” Scientology, but only as a group of weirdos who submit to “brainwashing and financial exploitation by a totalitarian management.” At best, Scientology is associated with Hollywood greats Tom Cruise and John Travolta, and with a service that only decadent multimillionaires can afford.
In Freezone, as in the Church, membership numbers have been shrinking for decades, so it is foreseeable that in a generation, all that will remain of Scientology are the extravagant buildings that are owned and controlled by US government agencies such as CST and RTC, which can be used to improve the black funds of intelligence-controlled non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The worldwide expansion of the Church of Scientology through volunteer ministers, ABLE and Dianetics missions in so-called pioneer areas such as the BRICS countries is already helping the US intelligence services to penetrate countries where other US NGOs cannot get a foot on the ground. In the West, however, a toothless Scientology, which no longer effectively audits and thus leaves the reactive mind untouched, no longer produces real Clears and OTs, but instead mainly studies theory (“The BASICS”) or, as in the Freezone, replaces auditor training with “discussions about aspects of Scientology in newsgroups”, which fulfills a similar purpose to that of the Freemason lodges adopted centuries ago: a gathering place for critical minds, free thinkers and intelligent freedom fighters: here they can educate themselves endlessly and are kept busy without effect and possibly even recruited for projects of the “elite” to maintain their power.
As bleak as this “danger condition of long duration” may look, because if it continues, there will be nothing left of Scientology in the next generation, the Persian proverb also applies here: “When the night is darkest, the day will come”.
Because if enough Scientologists see through these machinations, i.e. illuminate the group’s engram, recognize the earlier beginning in 1972 and accept and rehabilitate the gift given to mankind by L. Ron Hubbard unadulterated, then at that moment all the efforts of the secret service circles of half a century to bury Scientology completely and for good are finally destroyed. In contrast to earlier liberation movements such as Buddhism, Christianity and Freemasonry, we do not have to speculate about how to separate the chaff of false ideas from the wheat of truth. Fortunately, in our case of Scientology, a work of modern times, all of L. Ron Hubbard’s works are still available in their original form: the old red and green volumes (excluding all revisions and editions since mid-1972), the original LRH lectures and even the original version of the OT levels, which were confidential but not secret. This means that copies of the originals can still be found today with the old-timers and their heirs.
This cognite, that LRH disappeared in June 1972 and has since been virtually “kept alive” only by doubles, RTRC, CST, RTC and many forgeries, verbal data and frauds, so that the takeover team gained another good decade to distort his work to such an extent that it became practically ineffective, makes a complete rehabilitation of Scientology possible. Man is caught in a finely spun trap, but Ron gave us his life’s work to get out of that trap.
Let’s finally use the full potential of Scientology!

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