Voraussage von LRH: Die Implanter werden Scientology übernehmen

ZensurIm Philadelphia Doctorate Course Band Nr. 20 von der 1991er Version wurden gegenüber der älteren Ausgaben sehr interessante Sätze weggeschnitten. Diese Zensur deckt auch gleich das Motiv der Squirrel auf, die hier am Drücker sitzen:

Es geht also um die LRH Lecture vom 6.12.52 „Formative State of Scientology, Definition of Logic“.

Hier aufs Symbol klicken um LRH im Originalton zu hören: sound

In der folgenden Tabelle vergleiche ich einige aufeinanderfolgende Absätze miteinander, so dass die Streichungen klar werden. Im Transcript von 1991 findet sich dies auf Seite 51 Mitte:

1986-Version der The Philadelphia Doctorate Course Tapes 1991-Version der The Philadelphia Doctorate Course Tapes
Therefore, we really do have the remedy before the assault weapon is produced. Did you ever read poor old George Orwell’s uh.. 1984? Yes, yes, that’s wonderful. That would be, could be, the palest imagined shadow of what a world would be like under the rule of the secret use of Scientology with no remedy in existence.Well it’s all right in this offhand age to just brush things aside and say, „Well, it’s of no importance, no importance, really, and.. let’s not be dramatic the way people are being about the atom bomb.“ Therefore we really do have the remedy before the assault weapon is produced.It’s all right in this offhand age to just brush things aside and say, „Well, it’s of no importance, no importance, really, and let’s not be dramatic the way people are being about the atom bomb.“
Actually the atom bomb isn’t as serious as this subject. It’s just a MEST weapon. And, it’s all right to be very
offhand, and very cheerful and so on, and – like the little boy whistling in the dark says, „No ghosts or boogymen exist.“ – Well, this boogyman does exist.
Actually the atom bomb isn’t as serious as this subject. It’s just a MEST weapon. And, it’s all right to be very offhand, and very cheerful and so on, and – like the little boy whistling in the dark says, „No ghosts or boogymen exist.“ – Well, this boogyman does exist.
It’s a very simple remedy. And that’s – just make sure that the remedy is passed along. That’s all. Don’t hoard it.
Don’t hold it. And if you ever do use any black Dianetics, use it on the guy who pulled Scientology out of sight and made it so it wasn’t available. Because he’s the boy who would be electing himself „The New Order“. We don’t need any more new orders – all those orders, as far as I’m concerned, have been filled.
It’s a very simple remedy. And that’s – just make sure that the remedy is passed along. That’s all. Don’t hoard it. Don’t hold it.
Now when it comes, then, to logic – when it comes to logic, the logic of putting this together had as its first criteria what? Application … Now when it comes, then, to logic – when it comes to logic, the logic of putting this together had as its first criteria what? Application…

Diese heftige Fälschung lenkt die Aufmerksamkeit des Scientologen auf dieses Tape 20 und das ist gut so, denn hier sieht LRH schon voraus, was wir heute in der Scientology-Kirche erleben: Die Wandlung von Scientology zu Black-Scientology. Oder: Die Wandlung von einer Freiheitsreligion zur Thetanfalle.

Daher zitiere ich noch einige Sätze aus diesem Tape (ältere Version), um den Zusammenhang deutlich werden zu lassen, warum die „Neue Weltordnung“ es sich nicht verkneifen konnte, diese Sätze zu löschen (einige dieser und anderer Sätze habe ich auf dieser Seite deutschsprachig):

„And is not, in itself, an arbitrary, fascistic uh.. police force to make sure that we all think right thoughts. It’s a servant of the mind, a servo-mechanism of the mind, it is not a master of the mind. Scientology will decline, and become useless to man, on the day when it becomes the master of thinking. Don’t think it won’t do that. It has every capability in it of doing that.

Contained in the knowable, workable portions before your eyes there are methods of controlling human beings and thetans which have never before been dreamed of in this universe. Control mechanism of such awesome and solid proportions that if the remedies were not so much easier to apply, one would be appalled at the dangerousness to beingness that exists in Scientology.

Fortunately, it was intelligently invented, and I say that without any possible bow; I say that because part of its logic was: the remedy should exist before the bullet. And that is just an arbitrary. There really is no reason for that, except for this: when you invent the bullet before the remedy, you have to invent the remedy under duress. It’s very hard to kneel alongside of a patient who is suffering from a super radioactive burn, and try to figure out in that moment what is radioactivity and how does it affect the human flesh. That’s not the time to figure the remedy. The time to figure the remedy is before the bullet.“ (Auf Seite 48 des neuen Transcripts zu finden)

Später auf Seite 50 oben zeigt Ron auf, dass die Verwendung von Verstandeskontrolle schlimmer als andere Waffen ist: „But what kind of a government and what kind of a weapon is really serious? Not a weapon which destroys mud. A weapon that destroys minds, that’s serious. Out of the body of knowledge which lies before you a sufficent technology is to take over, seize and handle any government or people on the face of the Earth. You aren’t of an ethical level, even, that permits you to observe this. You wouldn’t think in these lines. And yet if only those principles were known, there would be people who could and would think in those lines.

You can control men like you would control robots with those techniques. The implantation, black Dianetics, pain-drug-hypnosis are very mild methods of control.“

Dann kommen einige Absätze über die Assassinen, eine heimtückische Waffe aus der Antike und danach kommt LRH wieder auf das Thema „Black Scientology“ zurück:

„There is only one thing that could happen to Scientology, and that is to say that it would be buried. The remedy would be buried. If it ever went out of sight, this world’s done. All you’ve got to do is invalidate it and put it out of sight and hide it, and it’ll come up in the wrong place doing the wrong thing, and mankind will find itself a slave.

So anybody that knows the remedy of this subject, anybody that knows these techniques, is himself actually under a certain responsibility – that’s to make sure that he doesn’t remain a sole proprietor. That’s all it takes, just don’t remain a sole proprietor. Don’t ever think that a monopoly of this subject is a safe thing to have. It’s not safe. It’s not safe for man; it’s not safe for this universe.

This universe has long been looking for new ways to make slaves. Well, we’ve got some new ways to make slaves here. Let’s see that none are made.

Now it’s fortunate that we are able to make Clears as fast as we can make them. It’s very, very fortunate. Because black Dianetics, as most destructive things work in this universe, could work a lot faster than the old-time techniques – work really fast. Nowadays – get this – you can use creative processing; the process of using mock-ups will flip out a PDH without ever touching it or addressing it. Isn’t that fascinating. You can knock a PDH to pieces with fifteen minutes of processing. And it takes longer than that to put one in.

Another condition could exist, a PDH could be so – a pain-drug-hypnosis – they knock the fellow out, they drug him – could be laid in with great rapidity. But it could be laid in so strongly that the individual is rendered dead. Or non compos mentis from there on and thus out of communication. That individual is no menace to anybody. He’s either complete ravingly gone, out of communication, and look.. or he’s dead, and a bullet does the same thing. So it’s not a good weapon, really. Because if he’s able.. if he suddenly starts acting peculiarly or doing things which completely alter any pattern he has had in the past, or if he is doing things which look like they are vaguely bad, then how easy it is. You can get ahold of him. You’ll find almost any preclear can be given creative processing. And you could get ahold at him and flip the PDH out. That’s interesting, isn’t it? In other words, you can take ‚em out as fast as they lay ‚em down.

Danach schließen die oben untersuchten Absätze an. In diesem zitierten Zusammenhang erhält die enthüllte Fälschung eine besondere Bedeutung: LRH warnte davor, dass Scientology in die Hände der Gegner fallen könnte und zu Black-Scientology verdreht werden könnte und wie fatal das wäre, wenn es dann keine Weiße-Scientology mehr geben könnte, weil diese SPs dann ein Monopol über Scientology beanspruchten.

Wie würden diese SPs auf diese Referenz reagieren, wenn sie bereits die Kontrolle über die Scientologykirche ergriffen hätten? Sie würden zumindest nervös werden, denn ganz aus der Welt können sie dieses Tape nicht mehr schaffen. Also löschen sie zumindest diesen einen Absatz, der ihnen am Bedrohlichsten erscheint: Ron fordert die Scientologen auf, gegen diese SPs Black-Scientology anzuwenden. Das ist dann doch zu stark. Davor haben sie Angst. Das muß entfernt werden. Auch auf die Gefahr hin, dass sie genau deswegen entdeckt werden…

Wir haben Euch erwischt!


Hier zitiere ich das Originalposting, in dem diese Fälschung ursprünglich veröffentlicht wurde:

From: "Virginia McClaughry" <vmcc@icehouse.net>
Subject: To: scnists re: altered PDC 20-who is DM covering for?
Date: 2000/10/13
Message-ID: <39e75f44.0@news2.lightlink.com>#1/1
Organization: Lightlink Internet
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.3110.3
Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology,alt.clearing.technology

Hi all,

Pdc tape 20 has a pretty drastic, and rather odd alteration to it.

My version copyright LRON hubbard library,  has this line:

"Therefore, we really do have the remedy before the assault weapon is

Any deletion is not obvious from this right?

Here is excerpt from older version of PDC, NOTE: LRH IS actually saying this
in the older version. (copyright L RON HUBBARD)

"Therefore, we really do have the remedy before the assault weapon is
Did you ever read poor old George Orwell's 1984? Yes,yes, that's wonderful.
That would be--------could be the palest imagined shadow of what a
world would be like under the rule of the secret use of Scientology
with no remedy in

That's quite a chunk SEAMLESSLY EDITED out of the tape recording.


My version copyright LRon hubbard library:

"It's a very simple remedy. And that's-just make sure that the
remedy is passed along. That's all. Don't hoard it and don't hold it."

Older version, copyright L RON HUBBARD:

It's a very simple remedy. And that's-just make sure that the remedy
is passed along. That's all.Don't horde it, don't hold it; and if you
ever do use any Black Dianetics, use it on the guy who pulled
Scientology out of sight and made it so it wasn't available. Because
he's the boy who would be electing himself "The New Order." And we
don't need any more new orders.  All those orders, as far as I am
concerned, have been filled.

Now, WHY would DM oversee, (he says basically this in his affidavit), the
removal of these parts of the tape?

Is there a "New Order" that is being covered for? Does DM think
 people will
think of him if they were to hear this?

And from the other paragraph, "secret use of Scientology with no remedy in

Is somebody trying to use Scientology secretly, ie: bullet form, with no
remedy in sight?

DM? CST?, This was removed for a reason folks, and it very much raises my
curiosity as to why, and any possibility I can come up with, doesn't look

Not good at all.

Especially in light of that Scientology, the subject, is being painstakingly
chipped at and altered away, leaving the bullet becoming more and more in
use than the remedy, vis-a-vis reverse auditing, etc.

What about that project to "collect up original LRH materials from all over
the world to preserve it for future generations"?

Maybe there was some OTHER reason than what was said, in doing that, because
we sure aren't seeing much original, pure, unadulterated LRH anymore, so why
collect it up when you are
 busy altering it?

Maybe the answer is in the parts of this tape that were deleted.

If nothing else, it sure raises some ugly possibilities, none of which are

People, you need to get your confront of evil up, because something is
rotten in river city, as the saying goes.

DO something about it! LOOK!

To be continued...

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